Saturday, May 1, 2010

Coming Up With Ideas While Doing Laundry

Kind've a goofy name but it's what I am doing right now. Drier should be done in about 30min so I guess I have some time to write. I wanted to do this to hash out in a blog how I plan to go about coming up with topics. First I think I need some rules:

1) No Rules – Yep I contradicted myself. However, what I mean by this is that nothing is out of bounds. Granted I do not plan on writing things that are rude, crude, and socially unnacceptable. However I don't want to put limits on those parts of my life that make an acceptable topic.
2) Be Honest – I think that I need to be honest about my feelings if they are to be any use to myself or others. Value comes by making sure that I acknowledge my strengths and my faults objectively.
3) Be Objective – It's amazing how these things fall together. I need to not candy coat things, but do not be overly critical. As they say, "No one likes a drama queen". Or in this case a "Drama King."
4) Be Frank – If something needs to be said...then say it!
5) No Excuses – This would be the hardest one. It's so easy to make them. You know what they say, "Excuses are like (Insert body part here), everybodies got one." I'm sure I will try and probably fail miserably, but it's the thought that counts...right?

The next thing to do is to decide the bounds of my topics. Feel free to comment on any other possibilities. Of course I ask that you not suggest that I do things that are a anotomic impossibility or involve small animals and power tools. I know there are those who will make those suggestions anyway. Just don't be suprised when your entries are deleted. Keep your suggestions within the scope of this blog. Now for the tough part...topics.

1) Socializing outside of the Bar Scene -or- Socializing while avoiding becoming an alchoholic.
2) Keeping Yourself From Losing it Completely
3) The Power of God to Encourage and Sustain
4) The Importance of Friends and Family
5) What I do When I Am Down
6) Communication and how do it properly so others don't kill you or run
7) Top 10 things people say sympathetically that make you want to strangle them.
8) Charishing and promoting the relationships you have.

Opps time to put the laundry away...

1 comment:

  1. #7 made me laugh...I probably have said them all! :)
