Friday, May 14, 2010

Coping with depression

I've been thinking about how to improve my morale and overall outlook. Some of these things may not apply to you and in that case I would say don't do it. Do what works. I'm no doctor. If something right now is too scary then try another approach. As you progress you might give one of the others a try. It's all about adjusting the way you react to your own thoughts and removing the triggers that spark a depression episode.

I've tried to find articles that support my ideas. Hope they help.

Keep you house clean

I hate coming home to a trashed house. Looking at all the work that I would need to do just to get it to a point that I could have someone over. Contrasting that, I feel much better in the mornig when I can get up to a clean house. That leaves so many other things I can do with my day.

Pay off your debts

Debt causes stress. Stress triggers (at least in me) depression. It may not seem like it would be associated with a social problem, but it certainly is. For me at least, debt affects my self-esteem directly. Without money in my account there is no way that I couldn't go out, socialize, or date even without having social issues.

Get outside on those sunny days

The importance here is getting out. I find that just saying hi to a neighbor while walking my dog feels really good. The excercise makes it even better. If that is too much for you go for a drive. Just having the sun on my face works wonders for my mood.

Get some excercise

I used to weigh 279lbs. That was 6 months ago. Now I likely weigh less than 249lbs. I say that because I don't keep a scale. Muscle weighs more than fat. For this reason, if you are excercising you may be losing fat while not losing weight. What I go by is my pant size and compliments. It feels great when someone comes up to you to ask you if you've lost weight.

The second benefit is that you just feel better. I have so much more energy than I did 6 months ago. Between the energy and weight loss if keeps me wanting to go back. It's a positive cycle that has helped me to really start feeling better about myself.

Dress up for work

I bought some new dress shirts recently. When I went to work I was teased, but in a good way. I was told that I should stop "Showing them up". I also was complimented on how I was dressed. It felt very good.

This is just my thoughts but you might not want to do it every day. I'm not saying that you should dress on other days in jeans and a Kiss T-shirt, but make it special when you dress up. This is called fishing for compliments. Don't be ashamed of it, this is about feeling better about yourself.

Avoid negative people

Yeah you know who I'm talking about. We had one at work. We referred to him as "Mister Negativity." People who if they are not complaining then they are bashing other for one reason or another. No one needs to be around these people.

Here's an article on bullying. This is an extreme, but is still a good article.

Listen to music

I personally thik God blessed us with the ability to make music. More than just about anything the right music can put me in a good mood. Here are my ground rules.

No Goth, Death Metal

This about lifting your spirit, not getting angry. Most of this music is highly agressive and anti-social. Listen to something that lifts your spirit, not something that makes you want to pummel someone.

No sexual/relationship themed music

That cut's out a lot nowadays, but it's no suprise, reminding yourself that you are alone is bad! I gues you really can't get away from this if you listen to the radio, but it would be wise to avoid this if you are starting to feel depressed.

I prefer Christian music since many songs are uplifting

As opposed to the sexual/relationship music, Christian music tells you that you are not alone and that God is always with you. I was listening to a song today by MercyMe called "Hold Fast". I would recommend it to anyone who is depressed.

Recognize the good things you do

Make a list of the positive things you've done. The things that over your lifetime you feel pround of. Not neccessarily things you were recognised for, but things YOU feel proud of having accomplished. However, if you were recognised, even better. What I plan to do is print them out in a decorative way and frame them. I want to leave them around the house where I can see them during my daily routine. This is to enforce your self worth.

Remember God's Love

God's Love:

So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God; I will strenghten you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand.(Isaiah 41:10)

Love for Each Other:

May the Lord make your love increase and overflow for each other and for everyone else just as ours does for you.(1 Thessalonians 3:12)

Love for Each Other AND for Yourself:

Hearing that Jesus had silenced the Sadducees, the Pharisees got together. One of them, an expert in the law, tested him with this question: "Teacher, which is the greatest commandment in the Law?" Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.' This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments".(Matthew 22:34-40)

The Bible makes it pretty clear that we should love others and love ourselves. He created us and loves us. That makes us pretty important in my book. Our lives may not be perfect, and we may have problems, but that doesn't mean that we are not important and not loved.

An article on loving yourself:

An article on how a belief in god improves a perspon's response to depression treatment.

1 comment:

  1. You know, I love this.

    I have realized something lately (taken me 39 years to do it!) that the negative thoughts that are destructive are completely from satan. He wants us depressed, sedentary, unable to move, eating bad, hiding in the computer/books,games.

    The reconstructive thoughts, though sometimes painful, are from God. The ones that don't produce hiding and a deer in the headlights thing, but a closer walk with Him, reconstructing us to bring Him more glory. Does that make sense?

    This is a year of truth for your wacky little sister and God is allowing me to see lies for what they always are...hey, it may not be the best blog, but I wrote something on it here. Love you!
